Better Understanding
We believe the most effective way to create change is through collaboration. We strive to understand health inequities that affect our communities by redefining who community “experts” are. We learn from advocates, leaders, and those with lived experiences through strategic meetings that ultimately drive our efforts as an organization.
AMY Wellness Foundation’s Board of Directors would like to thank everyone for attending the 2022 Regional Convening Meeting.
Because of your feedback we have changed our grantmaking process for 2023. Please review our grants page for more information!
We know we can’t make impactful changes alone. We need to hear from you, the experts. AMY will continue to host open discussions around Food Insecurity, Housing, and Mental Health.
Health is not stagnant. It changes and develops as our communities do. It is important to our organization that we are always listening and understand what the most critical needs are. We are committed to hosting Listening Sessions throughout the year to ensure our funding priorities and the community needs are aligned.
With everything we do, we aim to create change with action. Through each strategic meeting we plan to build reports with our findings that ultimately shape the way our Foundation seeks partnerships. We want to build a healthy community by finding what is working well, where the gaps are and what partnerships will transform health and wellness for our region in the most sustainable, innovative and collaborative way.
The results are in! Click here to review community findings from each Regional Convening Meeting held in 2020.
The emerging themes identified by participants will also guide us in orchestrating targeting listening sessions this summer.
Thank you for helping us make Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey counties a healthy place to live.