In early June, a group of five local advocates for Hispanic families gathered to receive training on how to deliver a program called Abriendo Puertas to parents in the community.
Abriendo Puertas (opening doors) offers a series of up to 10 workshops for Spanish speaking parents on topics ranging from early childhood development to school readiness, good health, social and emotional well-being, economic well-being, parenting styles and leadership and advocacy. It was designed by and for Hispanic parents to create a safe, culturally relevant space in which parents can reflect and share freely.
The school systems in Mitchell and Yancey counties will host Abriendo Puertas classes this fall, inclusive of families with children up to 8 years old. Training for facilitators of this class is part of an effort by the Alliance for Young Children of the Blue Ridge (AYC BR) to create a regional approach for providing reliable access to parenting education that can strengthen family health and resilience. Thanks to the Cooperative Extension’s partnership with AYC BR, parents and caregivers can now go to one website page to learn about classes like Abriendo Puertas.
Parent Education Coordinators Niki Maness (Yancey County, 682-6186) and Jessica Zucchino (Mitchell County, 688.8841) can help you determine which model best aligns with your family goals. Go to and and click on the Parent Education Opportunities tab on the left to explore parenting resources and sign up. To learn more about the work of AYC BR in our community, contact Katherine Savage at [email protected].
AMY Wellness Foundation is proud to help make this training opportunity and outreach to parents possible.